Learn some secrets and shortcuts Windows button to use your computer with professionalism and ease.

Peace, mercy and blessings of God
It is the key that the windows logo on the keyboard on the computer is very important keys that will help us in the work of a very important shortcuts to speed up Tcefhna for all windows sections, where if I got to know some of the jobs in this key will be able to deal with your computer professionally and seamlessly, and in this entry I will try to introduce you to some of the secrets and shortcuts that this key that will serve you in your life dramatically informatics.

11-- Windows logo key + R key opens a window run (run)

2 -- windows key + L slogan: working to lock the keyboard.

3-- windows logo key + F1: to show the aide Ondoz window.

4-- Ctrl + windows logo key + F: works on show window if you want to search for devices within the network.

5 -- windows logo key + F: If you want to search for files and folders.

6 -- windows + L logo key: if you want to lock the keyboard.

7 -- windows logo key + M + Shift: enlarges all the windows.

8 -- windows + E logo key: To view the computer and sections window.

9 -- windows logo key + M: working to minimize all open windows.

10 -- windows + D logo key: working on the desktop display.

11-- If you press the windows key itself works to hide or show the Start Menu


I hope that the entry was useful, and see you in a new topic, God willing.

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