It is the key that the windows logo on the keyboard on the computer is very important keys that will help us in the work of a very important shortcuts to speed up Tcefhna for all windows sections, where if I got to know some of the jobs in this key will be able to deal with your computer professionally and seamlessly, and in this entry I will try to introduce you to some of the secrets and shortcuts that this key that will serve you in your life dramatically informatics.
11-- Windows logo key + R key opens a window run (run)2 -- windows key + L slogan: working to lock the keyboard.
3-- windows logo key + F1: to show the aide Ondoz window.
4-- Ctrl + windows logo key + F: works on show window if you want to search for devices within the network.
5 -- windows logo key + F: If you want to search for files and folders.
6 -- windows + L logo key: if you want to lock the keyboard.
7 -- windows logo key + M + Shift: enlarges all the windows.
8 -- windows + E logo key: To view the computer and sections window.
9 -- windows logo key + M: working to minimize all open windows.
10 -- windows + D logo key: working on the desktop display.
11-- If you press the windows key itself works to hide or show the Start Menu
I hope that the entry was useful, and see you in a new topic, God willing.