Android: Bank accounts emptied by malware !!

InfraGard, a US non-profit organization that works in partnership with the FBI warned the agency that two malware families for Android are currently used for phishing attacks (spam).

Home News Samsung Android Android Security: Bank accounts emptied by malware !!
Android: Bank accounts emptied by malware !!
 Geek News 10:47 No comments:

InfraGard, a US non-profit organization that works in partnership with the FBI warned the agency that two malware families for Android are currently used for phishing attacks (spam).

Malware, appointed SlemBunk and Walking, are able to obtain the bank details of customers and financial institutions. The Trojan monitors the infected device until the user opens an application found in the malware database in order to inject a fake page on the user interface of the legitimate application. Thus, the information entered by the client are sent to the attackers.

The false connection interface is indistinguishable, the two malware families targeting foreign financial institutions since 2014, gradually expanding the list that includes Western banks, the malware has the ability to phishing credentials during a performing specified banking app or other similar applications are launched.

New versions of SlemBunk were distributed through pornographic sites. Users who visit these sites receive constant requests to download an update to Adobe Flash, which supposedly to see the content, but it downloads malware.

The Trojan can falsify the interface at least 31 banks in the world and two mobile payment service providers.

The trick to avoid this kind of infection is to stay still far alerts to suspicious downloads on unofficial sites.

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