Previously, we reviewed some of the secrets of the keys on your computer, the roles are very important, where touched by the function and secrets Fn key on the keyboard to use your computer professionally, and then before that explained the secrets and shortcuts windows button to use your computer with professionalism and ease, and continued in this way, we will learn in this post some secrets on the Ctrl button on the keyboard, which as everyone knows is a major key we use a lot of our work on the computer.
Ctrl + A = to select the text in full.
Ctrl + B = to inflate the line after selected.
Ctrl + C = to copy any text.
Ctrl + V = to paste the copied text after
Ctrl + D = for a view of the font style.
Ctrl + E = to get the center of the line.
Ctrl + F = search for options.
Ctrl + G = Search and replace each with the transition.
Ctrl + H = Search and replace character and word.
Ctrl + I = for tilting the line.
Ctrl + J = for a left-aligned.
Ctrl + M = squeeze page to the left.
Ctrl + N = to open a new window.
Ctrl + O = to open the documents.
Ctrl + P = used for printing.
Ctrl + Q = to set the font.
Ctrl + S = to get the Save As ...
Ctrl + T = measuring line.
Ctrl + U = underline under what was copied.
Ctrl + X = used to cut
Ctrl + Y = to duplicate copies.
Ctrl + F 2 = to get a preview before printing.
Ctrl + F 3 = used for deletion.
Ctrl + F 5 = to get the window is minimized.
Ctrl + F 7 = for moving the frame.
Ctrl + F 8 = to get control framework.
Ctrl + F 9 = to open the opposite corner.
Ctrl + F1 = To minimize the window.
Ctrl + F 12 = open disk stored with your information.
Ctrl + 1 = to get the spacing of lines by 1 cm only.
Ctrl + 2 = to get the spacing of lines by 2 cm only.
Ctrl + 1.5 = to get the spacing of lines by 5.1 cm.
Ctrl + 5 = Hsolaly the spacing of lines by 5 cm
Ctrl + Alt + Del = computer to shut down, or any works program