The story of the purchase of Google Inc. YouTube to 2006 is due, although the Aluotob now achieves a fictional annual profits, but the time to buy Google for this platform is a very unusual site and was then not achieve big profits However Google paid $ 1.65 billion to buy it.
This story, which many consider a very strange was the beginning as we pointed out in 2006, where she was Ms. Susan Wojcicki operating vice president of my service AdSense and AdWords, and watched a series of videos on YouTube, but was stopped by one video of a group of young Chinese singing a song As Long As You Love Me, then impressed by Susan Wojcicki for this video, and I realized that every person around the world Ghaderaly and creativity to produce entertaining videos without having to own a photography studio or sophisticated equipment, immediately after the deal has prompted Google to buy YouTube amount to $ 1.65 billion.