First, let me remind you that the reason I write this entry I Yesterday, while I was the finest in the computer keys, for the first time I thought in the search for the secret behind the existence of tape under three keys on the keyboard, which may be a reason logically when you understand why it was this tape to put on these keys . After research on the subject more to be explored in it and know the background, I found that the reason behind this is to first help the people to put left their hand and right hand on the keyboard sound and correct, is not calling for the need to look at the keyboard when typing, this is Assistant dramatically, for example, when reside in a place does not have enough light, and therefore, this tape on your keyboard will help you to distinguish between the keys just searching for the tape, which makes you know is the other characters on the bottom and the top three keys that underneath the tape.
If you also noticed that the three characters that beneath the tape there is the center of the keyboard, we find, for example, a character j and f in the average-sensitive, and No. 5 in average numbers, and this is what makes the letters and numbers you around more easily control, therefore these property significantly useful for people too who do not need to look at the keyboard when they write it, either in the dark or otherwise, it is an important factor in helping the professional writing quickly on the keyboard.
I hope that the entry was useful and which you can Astaab topic more. And to another new blog post Grace of God.