Put your files and wrote in this site and win money through daily

We all have some notes and books and files that get it either from the university or from various institutes which help us in Ajptna school, but do you ever think that you can profit respectable sums of money by sharing these books and files in locations?

   NOTESALE is one of the sites which can be any Internet user to put its files of various kinds as notes and studies, as well as private students and university studies files, after the setting of your files will be downloaded by many users in the site, then the site give you a sum of money on each load.

To register for the site then go to the site:

After pressing the sell your notes'll be prompted to download the site a group of files in PDF format, and also put the title and the definition of appropriate her as in the picture:

In the next step you will be asked to determine the price of the site is suitable for your files to be purchased by the users of the site, I recommend you put a good description of your files so they can be sold quickly.

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